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Chroma Clients

Persistent Client

To create your a local persistent client use the PersistentClient class. This client will store all data locally in a directory on your machine at the path you specify.

import chromadb

client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path="test")

path parameter must be a local path on the machine where Chroma is running. If the path does not exist, it will be created. The path can be relative or absolute. If the path is not specified, the default is chroma/ in the current working directory.

Uses of Persistent Client

The persistent client is useful for:

  • Local development: You can use the persistent client to develop locally and test out ChromaDB.
  • Embedded applications: You can use the persistent client to embed ChromaDB in your application. For example, if you are building a web application, you can use the persistent client to store data locally on the server.

HTTP Client

Chroma also provides HTTP Client, suitable for use in a client-server mode. This client can be used to connect to a remote ChromaDB server.

import chromadb

client = chromadb.HttpClient(host="localhost", port="8000")

HTTP client takes two optional parameters:

  • host: The host of the remote server. If not specified, the default is localhost.
  • port: The port of the remote server. If not specified, the default is 8000.
  • ssl: If True, the client will use HTTPS. If not specified, the default is False.

Uses of HTTP Client

The HTTP client is ideal for when you want to scale your application or move off of local machine storage. It is important to note that there are trade-offs associated with using HTTP client:

  • Network latency - The time it takes to send a request to the server and receive a response.
  • Serialization and deserialization overhead - The time it takes to convert data to a format that can be sent over the network and then convert it back to its original format.
  • Security - The data is sent over the network, so it is important to ensure that the connection is secure (we recommend using both HTTPS and authentication).
  • Availability - The server must be available for the client to connect to it.
  • Bandwidth usage - The amount of data sent over the network.
  • Data privacy and compliance - Storing data on a remote server may require compliance with data protection laws and regulations.
  • Difficulty in debugging - Debugging network issues can be more difficult than debugging local issues. The same applies to server-side issues.

Host parameter special cases

The host parameter supports a more advanced syntax than just the hostname. You can specify the whole endpoint ULR ( without the API paths), e.g. This is useful when you want to use a reverse proxy or load balancer in front of your ChromaDB server.

Ephemeral Client

Ephemeral client is a client that does not store any data on disk. It is useful for fast prototyping and testing. To get started with an ephemeral client, use the EphemeralClient class.

import chromadb

client = chromadb.EphemeralClient()

Environmental Variable Configured Client

You can also configure the client using environmental variables. This is useful when you want to configure any of the client configurations listed above via environmental variables.

import chromadb

client = chromadb.Client()

Short list of env variables that can be used to configure the client:

Note: For complete list of available settings check (chromadb.config.Settings).

Env Variable Description Default
chroma_api_impl The API implementation to use. There are two options:
chromadb.api.segment.SegmentAPI (persistent client)
chromadb.api.fastapi.FastAPI (Http client)
chroma_server_host The host of the remote server. This is required for HttpClient only. None/null
chroma_server_http_port The port of the remote server. This is required for HttpClient only. 8000
chroma_server_headers The headers to be sent to the server. This is required for HttpClient only. None/null